Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rachel's Vineyard

"A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; and she refused to be comforted because they were no more."  Matthew 2:18 

I remain completely overwhelmed and stunned at the response I've received thus far with this blog.  Some have offered words of encouragement and support, others prayers and "pats on the back" for my bravery (easy to be brave with the anonymity online though).  Most importantly I have had a few comments and/or emails from other women like me who have had an abortion - some who have sought healing, some who have not, and others who have never talked about it at all.

So, I offer the following link Rachel's Vineyard and Project Rachel.  I have experienced both Project Rachel one-on-one counseling and have attended a Rachel's Vineyard weekend retreat.  In addition, you may contact your local diocese for information about their abortion recovery program.  You can also ask your parish priest for contact information.  I would strongly encourage any post abortive woman to seek out healing - no matter how long its been.  I am a living testament to the power of what our Lord's mercy can do for one's heart, mind and soul whether it be peace of mind when you go to sleep at night or the ability to hear the word "abortion" and not visibly shudder.  Whatever it is you need, you will find it here...

Rachel's Vineyard

Project Rachel

National Office for Project Rachel


  1. I've been to a Rachel's Vineyard retreat too. It was the best thing I'd ever done.

  2. Thank you for writing this blog. Those of us who never had an aborthion still have friends and relatives who have- even if we don't know about it- and your journey is eye-opening.
    Prayers for you on the way.
