I normally stay far away from the political areas of the prolife "fight." The main reason being that the most effective weapon I have in my arsenal is the fact that I am a postabortive woman, but this weapon I can not bring to bear outside of this keyboard. So, I choose to fight the good fight with the story of my journey, prayerful and hopeful that my story helps someone, somewhere, at some time. I also tend to stay out of it because I'm not always sure who my enemy is, the prochoicer or the prolifer.
That being said, I have entered a bit into the prolife movement since beginning my journey. My attendance is regarded as just another prolife Christian and usually no one knows the real reason I'm present. I attend a prolife mass often and take part in a silent, prayerful witness outside of an abortion clinic. I've attended the March for Life the last two years. And, although I'm not carrying a sign that reads, "
I regret my abortion," my Father in Heaven sees me and knows the intention of my heart. I am hopeful that my physical presence, as just one of many others, is enough to help to someday turn the tide.
When I take part in any public prolife events with my secret harbored in my heart and mind, I brace myself for any kind of words or rhetoric that would cause me pain, or worse, doubt, or even worse yet, despair. My concerns are rarely, if ever, unfounded. I look around and try to imagine that there are women and men around me who harbor the same secret since, statistically speaking, there just have to be. I've seen the prolife signs and graphics that state the safest place for a baby should be in their mother's womb. Well, I think that the safest place for a postabortive person would be at a prolife event. Sadly, this is not the case.
I've written before about the use of graphic abortion signs and how
I feel about them, but sadly, some in this fight will argue their effectiveness until they are blue in the face. They can keep arguing about it, I think they are wrong, but I can't stop them. They're still wrong.
If you've read my blog before you know that I'm a Lord of the Rings fan. If you are familiar with the story, in the final installment of the trilogy, the good guys are in their last ditch effort to save all of mankind and the odds are not good. Aragon needs to find the numbers to win the war, and where he goes to find them is not a popular decision. Aragon himself is horrified at the thought of even asking these "murderers" to fight along side him. He must go to summon the Army of the Dead, he must face the evil he believes them to be, evil, murderous, traitorous men who are bound in limbo because of their actions. Aragon promises them release from their debt if they choose to fight with him.
The army agrees and the epic war is suddenly over when the ships carrying them dock and dead men pour out like a crashing waves against the bad guys, destroying all in their path.
Redemption is a powerful motivator.
That's how I see the postabortive people in this world being the key to the prolife "fight." 55 million abortions in the United States in the past 40 years - 55 million babies translates to 55 million possible foot soldiers in the prolife fight. 55 million. Even though the prochoice crowd has been chanting for 40 years about how abortion is a choice and a right - those who have chosen to exercise that right mostly remain in the shadows or in secret. Few stand up and shout from the rooftops how fantastic is is that they chose abortion, fewer still stand up and shout how they regret their choice.
Why? Because the prolife fight can be one of the most scary and dangerous places for a postabortive person. Whether you are public about the fact that you had an abortion and bearing a sign that says so or holding it secret in your heart, when standing in a sea of hundreds of thousands of prolife people, there remains a fear that the same, smiley, happy Jesus-loving people will unleash their wrath upon you. A wrath that sometimes simmers just below the surface.
I'm not saying that every person at the March for Life or any event is capable of rendering harm to a postabortive person, nor has the desire to do so. But, I can say that just about every one of my prolife experiences in the last couple of years has had moments that have triggered the fight or flight endorphins in my brain. The first year I attended the March for Life, there was a gentlemen chaparoning our group, a member of the Knights of Columbus no less. As we were walking he struck up a conversation with some folks behind me and began a very vocal condemnation of women who have abortions with the typical, "they should just say no to sex, keep their legs shut!" His conversation lasted for a good 15 minutes with all of his opinions spouting about women who have an abortions. Granted, he had no idea that a postabortive woman was walking right in front of him. But, what if he had known? What if he hadn't known, but he acted as if he was surrounded by post abortive women anyway? What if at the rally before the March - he heard compassionate words regarding postabortive and those words sunk into his heart and soul?
What if every speech, at every pro life rally or event, began with mention of the postabortive and their pain and struggle and more importantly about the mercy of God? When I do hear the postabortive mentioned at events - it's sadly an afterthought, as in "and... we can't forget about the women who have had abortions." I think the postabortive should be the first mentioned. What the man behind me at that first march wasn't aware of was millions of abortions happen as a result of coercion by parents, boyfriends, husbands, lovers, or friends. Millions more occur out of fear and anxiety over hopeless prenatal diagnoses given by doctors. Millions of abortions happen because the woman feels she has no choice at all. And yes, millions of abortions happen because a pregnant women decides to exercise her right to have her pregnancy terminated, but that woman too deserves sympathy because she has bought into the lie and is a victim of the Culture of Death. People like that man behind me need to be told these facts, over and over and over again.
All of the postabortive, regardless of the circumstances that led them to having an abortion, all of us deserve love, compassion, and mercy which we receive in abundance from God. Who we need it from also is the prolife movement. What would we be capable of then? What if every flyer and every poster and every email blast for a prolife event invited first and foremost, the postabortive. Invite us to come in secret or with our Silent No More signs. Either way, assure us that the words spoken will be words of love and mercy. Assure us that you will do everything in your power to make sure we are not harmed by word or deed.
The comment below is one I received on my blog post
The Story of My Abortion:
"You. Make. Me. Sick. I sincerely hope you die a death as horrible as your unborn baby did. Good riddance."
I wonder how my events the above "prolifer" attends during a year? I wonder how many other postabortive women she's said the same words to? I've received a lot of comments on my blog since I began writing it - this is one that I can quote word for word. It's the comment the Devil whispers in my ear when I board the bus to the March for Life. It's the comment he whispers to me when I sit down to write this blog. Thanks be to God for the strength to shake the words off and continue on, but there are days when I'm unable to shake those words off and they play in my ears like a sinful, sweet melody.
There has been talk recently about how to engage the prochoicers instead of
preaching to the choir. My suggestion to the prolife movers and shakers - there's another choir you are ignoring. Engage the postabortive. Engage us with love, and compassion, and mercy free from any semblance of judgment regardless of why we had an abortion, whether we had an abortion
26 years ago or yesterday. Be at the ready, with open, loving arms, to embrace us with the knowledge that there is no judgment here.
How could the main stream media resist if the March for Life numbers swelled from hundreds of thousands to millions? The prolife movement is self-defeating. You are either ignoring or alienating your toughest, largest, and what could be your most passionate, ally.
Make it the mission of every prolife event to be, first and foremost, an ocean of mercy towards those most harmed by abortion, the women who have them. What an army it would be - 55 million strong with all of the children lost interceding with and for their mothers.
Then maybe there is a chance for victory.
You. Make. Me. Sick.
I sincerely hope you die a death
As horrible as your unborn baby did.
Good riddance. - See more at: http://www.postabortionwalk.blogspot.com/2011/07/story-of-my-abortion.html#sthash.muPw0eRv.dpuf